Όνομα: Iza Rosca
Iza Rosca joined the SOTT editorial board in 2007 after being a SOTT reader since 2004. Her interests include science, health, psychology, high strangeness, and spirituality. She studied math out of a love for logical and clear thinking that avoids assumptions, and ran a farm in a remote location out of her deep love for Mother Nature. All the while, she read countless books on a variety of topics in every spare hour out of hunger for knowledge and understanding of how things really work in this amazing world.
In the 1990's, she worked for a publishing house and had her first experience translating books, which were about Buddhism. In 2004, she began translating the Cassiopaea material, followed by Laura Knight Jadczyk's books and SOTT articles beginning in 2007. In addition to being an editor of The Dot Connector Magazine, she also works for French publishing company Les Editions Pilule Rouge and its sister company Red Pill Press. Born in Poland, she lives with her extended family in France.
Ο κόσμος είναι επικίνδυνος, όχι εξαιτίας
αυτών που κάνουν το κακό, αλλά εξαιτίας
αυτών που τους κοιτάζουν χωρίς να κάνουν τίποτα.
Eidiseis Alcyon Pleiades 43 ΑΛΚΥΟΝ ΠΛΕΙΑΔΕΣ - Ειδήσεις 2015 [Σύνδεσμος] [Σύνδεσμος]
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Σαν σε δημοπρασία... ... φαίνεται να μαντεύουν, πρώτα ο Ποροσένκο για 9.000 "αόρατους" (χωρίς αποδείξεις) Ρώσους στρατιώτες στην Ουκρανία και τώρα...
Για τόσα χρόνια ο Νεμτσόφ ... ήταν εναντίον του Πούτιν, και για τόσα χρόνια ο Πούτιν δεν είδε την ανάγκη να τον σκοτώσει. Τώρα θα το έκανε, που...
Τα ειλικρινή μου συλλυπητήρια... ... για την χώρα προέλευσης της ελευθερίας, ισότητας και αδελφικότητας και την απώλεια αυτών (καθώς και της...
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